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H-ISAC Supports the Principles for Fair and Accurate Security Ratings

Kennedy Space Center, FL, June 19, 2017 – The Health Information Sharing and Analysis Center, (H-ISAC), a member-owned non-profit that is the health and public health (HPH) sector’s trusted community for sharing cyber and physical security information, supports the recently published Principles for Fair and Accurate Security Ratings.

Today the Chamber of Commerce and over 40 organizations published six general principles that will promote fairness in reporting and enhance the value of security ratings across all industries. The six principles are: Transparency; Dispute, Correction and Appeal; Accuracy and Validation; Model Governance; Independence and Confidentiality.

“Security professionals have an increasing array of 3rd party continuous security monitoring providers and tools to choose from. These tools leverage a combination of publicly available information and other sources to qualitatively assess and report risk and vulnerability levels on a relative basis,” said Jim Routh, Chairman of the Board of H-ISAC, “H-ISAC believes it is time for the industry to apply specific principles to these types of services to enhance their transparency and their relevance. Applied properly, these principles will also improve the underlying value of these services to the health care community.”

The the Principles for Fair and Accurate Security Ratings can be found here:

ABOUT H-ISAC:  H-ISAC is a global, non-profit, member-driven organization offering health care stakeholders a trusted community and forum for sharing cyber and physical threat indicators, vulnerabilities best practices and mitigation strategies. H-ISAC’s mission is to enable and preserve the public trust by advancing the global health sector’s cyber and physical security protection and resilience as well as enabling the ability to prepare for and respond to cyber and physical threats and vulnerabilities. Joining H-ISAC is one of the best actions health and public health services firms can take to ensure they partake in protecting the industry and its vital role in such a critical infrastructure. H-ISAC is recognized nationally within the US as the ISAC for the nation’s Health Care and Public Health critical infrastructure sector, by the US Department of Health and Human Services, the US Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and the National Council of ISACs. Learn more at

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