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How Healthcare Organizations Can Ingest Security Feeds, and Why They Should

Matrix resource also benefits small to medium healthcare entities and medical device security

Chief Security Officer of the Health Information Sharing and Analysis Center (H-ISAC), Errol Weiss, co-created the new Health Industry Cybersecurity Matrix of Information Sharing Organizations (HIC-MISO.) In an interview with Marianne Kolbasuk McGee of Information Security Media Group, Weiss describes how this resource assists healthcare organizations build awareness and preparedness by quickly navigating to and implementing the information feeds and sharing organizations that best fit their size, needs and security maturity level.

Listen to the interview here:

HIC-MISO lists 25 information sharing organizations, describes their functions, and provides a checklist of what information they share. This resource helps organizations of all sizes determine what level of information they are presently able to absorb – from broadcast style news feeds for strategic level security awareness to collaborative approaches for sophisticated threat intelligence departments who can ingest and share automated intelligence feeds – and directs firms to the most advantageous information sharing organization for their entity.

Because HIC-MISO is intended to be a living document, healthcare organizations are encouraged to provide additional information at the Healthcare and Public Health Sector Coordinating Council website.

Download a printable pdf version from the HSCC website.

Learn more about the HIC-MISO in the HSCC press release here:

Health Industry Publishes Matrix of Cybersecurity Information Sharing Organizations


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