Censinet, KLAS, Partners Announce Healthcare Cybersecurity Benchmarking Study Wave 3

Healthcare organizations are welcome to participate in the latest wave of the Healthcare Cybersecurity Benchmarking Study, co-sponsored by Censinet, KLAS, Health-ISAC, AHA, and HSCC.
By Jill McKeon
– Wave three of the Healthcare Cybersecurity Benchmarking Study is now open for participation, Censinet announced alongside co-sponsors KLAS Research, the American Hospital Association (AHA), the Health Information Sharing and Analysis Center (Health-ISAC), and the Healthcare and Public Health Sector Coordinating Council (HSCC).
The third wave is open to an expanded range of organization types, including healthcare delivery organizations, health plans and payers, pharmaceutical and medical device companies, and federal response and program offices. Participants must complete the survey assessments by November 1, 2023 to be included in the study.
Read the full article by HealthIT Security here:
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