Critical infrastructure protection more vital than ever…

… though organizations still lack an understanding of its importance
As interconnected critical infrastructure networks crisscross national borders and global supply chains, becoming increasingly complex while turning into distributed, large-scale cyber-physical systems. Cyber-physical attacks are increasing in number, scope, and sophistication, making it difficult to predict their total impact, making critical infrastructure protection more vital than ever. Evolving threat landscape, geopolitical implications, and recent cyber attacks remind stakeholders that critical infrastructure protection is more imperative than ever, though organizations still don’t realize its significance and thus, remain unprepared to tackle cyber risks.
One of several Health-ISAC quotes:
“Let me begin by saying that I think a commitment to security should come from the top of the organization – directly from the Board and C-Suite – and distilled throughout. Security teams should have support from the organization’s leadership,” Denise Anderson, president and CEO of the Health Information Sharing and Analysis Center (Health-ISAC), told Industrial Cyber.
Read the full article here:
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