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Human-Rights Groups Ask Police to Hunt Hackers Attacking Hospitals

As the coronavirus pandemic wears on, cyberattackers continue to strike

PHOTO CAPTION: United Nations High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Izumi Nakamitsu addresses the U.N. Security Council in February.


Catherine Stupp and David Uberti

June 1, 2020 5:30 am ET | WSJ PRO

The International Committee of the Red Cross and other human-rights groups are urging law enforcement to move against hackers targeting hospitals during the coronavirus pandemic.

A surge in cyberattacks targeting health-care facilities caring for Covid-19 patients and researchers working on treatments for the illness has made cybersecurity a top priority for increasingly digitized health systems.

Note: A subscription is necessary to access this article in the Wall Street Journal.

Below is the H-ISAC quotation:

“We need to increase the effectiveness of cyber crime enforcement globally by making sure we’ve got meaningful laws addressing cybersecurity issues,” said Errol Weiss, Chief Security Officer at the Health Information Sharing and Analysis Center (H-ISAC), a nonprofit that shares data about cyber threats to member companies.

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