How Health Systems Manage Security in the Cloud

With the right cloud management tools and readiness to share security responsibilities, healthcare organizations can enjoy the cloud’s benefits while maintaining a strong defensive posture.
As providers shift from traditional data centers to cloud-based environments, they are adapting their cybersecurity strategies to address the cloud’s unique challenges and opportunities.
A critical aspect of the transition is understanding that health systems must stay proactive in safeguarding their data. That can surprise organizations that expect cloud service providers to manage cybersecurity fully, says Errol Weiss, chief security officer for Health-ISAC, a global nonprofit information sharing and analysis center focused on security in healthcare.
Health systems moving to the cloud should be prepared for a shared responsibility model, Weiss says, with each party’s roles depending on the architecture and the cloud provider involved.
“There are varying levels of responsibility, and organizations need to plan for this, have the staff to adequately manage and run it, and have the tools to manage these differences,” he adds.
Read the full article in Health Tech. Click Here
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