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Monthly Newsletter – April, 2024


April Newsletter Features:

  • Health-ISAC Annual Report — Be sure to read the 2023 Health-ISAC Annual Report to see statistics, new initiatives, and other information.
  • APAC Summit — Highlights and pictures
  • Spring Americas Summit — Registration is open…Early Bird pricing ends on April 19
  • New Working Groups — AI and BISO
  • Community Offerings — Censinet and Red Sift Offer
  • Health-ISAC Resources and Upcoming Events

PDF version:

Text version:

Annual Report 2023

Delivering Value to the Health Sector Worldwide

Learn more about Health-ISAC’s state-of-the-art tools, services, webinars, education & training, networking, exercises, and working group products.

APAC Summit Highlights

Kudos to the 2024 APAC Summit Content Committee and chair Simon Cowley for choosing a valuable program with an excellent keynote given by Alastair MacGibbon. Here is some attendee feedback:

“A great event that provided the opportunity to engage with peers from the industry in helpful discussions.”

“The event was a testament to the power of collaboration, bringing together government, healthcare providers, and medical device manufacturers to fortify our collective cybersecurity posture.”

Join us in Malaysia for the APAC Summit 2025.

Champions of Security – Spring Americas Summit 2024

May 20-24, 2024 at ChampionsGate, Orlando, Florida

Register today – Early Bird pricing ends April 19th.

Plan to arrive on Monday to attend one of the workshops: – Health-ISAC’s Active Shooter/Hostile Event Response (ASHER)
– or How to Build an Effective Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Program by Google.

New Working Groups

Artificial Intelligence Working Group

The Artificial Intelligence Working Group provides a forum for Members to grapple with the rapid development and deployment of AI and other applications of machine learning. Group goals:

1. Enhance Member understanding of emerging AI/ML systems and how to leverage them effectively.

2. Share best practices and lessons learned to help Members mitigate the risk posed by the deployment of AI systems.

3. Share information about threats to and by AI/ML systems.

BISO Working Group:

The Business Information Security Office Working Group is a robust community of healthcare BISOs who specialize in bridging an organization’s security strategies with its overall business strategies. Uncover trends across organizations to coordinate security and business needs and identify ways to communicate these effectively.

Learn More and Join these Working Groups in the Member Portal in Groups or email

Health-ISAC Resources

Health-ISAC Medical Device Security Council YouTube Video: Collaborating for Patient Safety

Facing a Major Incident? Don’t Navigate It Alone

LinkedIn Article by Health-ISAC’s chief security officer, Errol Weiss

Change Healthcare Wake-Up Call: Is Sector Too Codependent?

Podcast featuring Health-ISAC’s Denise Anderson and Errol Weiss in Healthcare InfoSecurity

Principals and Practices for the Cybersecurity of Legacy Medical Devices

Article by Phil Englert, VP of Medical Device Security, Health-ISAC

2024 Horizon Report

The State of Healthcare Security, by Fortified Health Security, a Health-ISAC Navigator

Active Shooter/Hostile Event Response (ASHER) Workshops

Is Your Health Facility Prepared for Physical Security?

Health-ISAC’s ASHER Workshops

April 16 – (Virtual) 1:30 PM – 4 P

Community Corner: Welcome New Community Service Providers


Purpose-built for healthcare, Censinet RiskOpsTM delivers total automation across all

third-party and enterprise risk management workflows and best practices. For Health-ISAC Members, Censinet is offering: 10 FREE assessments with vendor corrective action plans and active monitoring for one year.

Red Sift

The Red Sift Pulse Platform helps organizations protect infrastructure, domains, and email. Health-ISAC Members can get a completely FREE Red Sift Security Posture Report. Also, see Red Sift’s FREE Investigative tool to determine if your DMARC, SPF, DKIM, and other important email security protocols are set up correctly.

Learn more about these and other free offers for Members at OR in the Member Portal Community Services.

APRIL HEALTH-ISAC EVENTS – Learn more and register HERE

April 4 – Best Practices: How ElevateBio Navigates SaaS Security – a Navigator webinar with Obsidian Security April 9 – Healthcare and Medical Device Cybersecurity- Health-ISAC presentation at MD Expo 2024, Las Vegas
April 10 – Cybersecurity Workshop & Tabletop Exercise In Rosslyn, VA. Hosted at Humana
April 10 – Using Maturity Models to Speed Up Cybersecurity Compliance and Minimize Risk – A Navigator webinar with Cybellum
April 16 – Healthcare Cyber Silos: SOC & Compliance’s Silent Threat – a Navigator webinar with Fortified Health
April 23 – Health-ISAC Regulatory Harmonization Workshop – in New York, NY. Hosted at Venable
April 23 – Healthcare Cyberattack Crisis: Quantum Computing with TIAA – a Navigator webinar with TIAA
April 25 – Engaging Talks & Contributions – Monthly on the last Thursday at 12 PM ET
April 30 – Cybersecurity Workshop & Tabletop Excercise – in Brussels, Belgium. Hosted at UCB.
April 30 / May 1 – Member Monthly Threat Briefing – Offered at two times for the convenience of Members in various time zones:
Tuesday at 12:00 PM ET and Wednesday at 3:00 PM CET

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