Podcast: The cybersecurity prescription healthcare needs

Caveat Podcast Ep 224 | 7.11.24
A weekly conversation on surveillance, digital privacy, cybersecurity law and policy. Hosted by Dave Bittner and Ben Yelin.
Errol Weiss, Chief Security Officer of Health-ISAC, discusses the current threat landscape in healthcare and Health-ISAC contributions to the Cyberspace Solarium Commission’s healthcare report.
Weiss joins at the 37-minute mark. Listen to the full podcast here:
Pulled Weiss quotes responding to the Cyberspace Solarium Commission’s healthcare report.
Cybercriminals are motivated by money and they don’t care where that money comes from, including hospitals. I feel the CSC report hit the nail on the head. Funding the virtual CISO idea would really help smaller and rural communities.
I really appreciate CSC for calling to Congress and the Federal Government to provide more funding to cybersecurity and information sharing programs.
The bad guys innovate very quickly and are leveraging new tools so we need to be in front of that.
We will probably see more regulation and government mandates in the US, but it needs to come with appropriate funding.
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