Senators Introduce Rural Hospital Cybersecurity Enhancement Act

The Rural Hospital Cybersecurity Enhancement Act aims to address cybersecurity workforce gaps and improve cybersecurity training at rural healthcare facilities.
Health-ISAC mention in HealthcareIT Security:
As rural hospitals continue to face challenges with managing cyber risk, free and low-cost resources may prove crucial to filling urgent gaps. For example, rural healthcare organizations may leverage free tools and guidance from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), as well as the latest cyber threat information from the Health Information Sharing and Analysis Center (Health-ISAC).
By Jill McKeon
May 15, 2023
US Senators Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Gary Peters (D-MI) have introduced the Rural Hospital Cybersecurity Enhancement Act, aimed at addressing critical cybersecurity gaps at rural healthcare facilities. As previously reported, rural hospitals face unique challenges when it comes to managing cybersecurity with limited budgets and staff.
Hawley, a member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC), along with Peters, the HSGAC chairman, introduced the legislation following a recent HSGAC hearing in which healthcare cybersecurity experts pointed to rural hospitals as a key focus area for improving cybersecurity.
“The impact on rural communities during a cyberattack is hard to overstate,” Kate Pierce, senior virtual information security officer at Fortified Health Security, testified during the hearing.
Read the full article in HealthcareIT Security here:
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